policy & politics (180) professional practice (4) financing (88) How? (9) international (13) art education (14) national institutions (127) research (73) commissioning and public space (34) launch (12) podcast (12) provinces & municipalities (74) publications (76) RIGHTS (19) key works (16)
Province of Brabant: strengthening cultural entrepreneurship
Wanted: Talented congregations
- provinces & municipalities
BAK explores the future
- national institutions
VAT increase on culture (and sports and media)
- policy & politics
A sustainable visual arts practice
- professional practice
Culture charges municipalities and provinces 2023
- research
- publications
How do you effectively link YouTube to TikTok and Instagram Reels?
- How?
How do you use YouTube as a visual artist?
Concerns about future cultural sector
- policy & politics
What if your artwork causes damage?
Land art in the spotlight
Culture Monitor Brabant
- provinces & municipalities
Reopening Ukrainian makers' support fund
- financing
Zeeland Culture Monitor
- national institutions
- provinces & municipalities
How do you stay inspired?
- How?
Visual arts in the BIS
- policy & politics
DutchCulture: Database Mapping 2023
- national institutions
Artificial intelligence (AI): protect your work with Opt Out Now!
Voucher for advice
- financing
Artists and disability
- professional practice
Mandatory AOV
- professional practice
How the license protects you from inadvertent use of your work
How do you stay motivated as a visual artist?
- How?
Visual arts and artists in 2023
- research
Prevent imagery use by AI
- professional practice
Our summer podcast list (about art)
Route Entrepreneurship from Culture+Enterprise
New: Voucher Artist with Child
- financing