
  • 08/09/2024 - 24/11/2024

    Manifesta 15 - Barcelona

    Manifesta is the European Nomadic Biennial, which takes place in a different host city every two years. Manifesta 15 takes place over 12 weeks, spread across 12 cities in the Barcelona metropolitan region. Each of the biennial's 12 cities is grouped into one of three clusters: Balancing Conflicts, Cure and Care and Imagining Futures. They...

  • 07/06/2024 - 29/09/2024

    Come Closer - Antwerp

    Middelheim Museum and De Singel in Antwerp are jointly exploring the space between sculpture and performance art this summer. The public can discover sculptures, installations, performances and shows by 25 artists from home and abroad.

  • 28/07/2024 - 25/08/2024

    Folly Art Norg - Norg

    Folly Art Norg is a beautifully mapped out walking route in the Drenthe countryside of about eight kilometers with a folly every few hundred meters. In total there are twenty of them. A folly is an unconventional building, with no rules or functions attached, a creation that looks special, but above all is not logical or practical.

  • 21/09/2024 - 22/09/2024

    Craft in Pictures Festival - Amsterdam

    A national festival where young and old come together to experience the joy of making and the beauty of crafts. Featuring over 100 master craftsmen, workshops, master classes, exhibitions, demonstrations, films and performances.

  • 14/09/2024 - 15/09/2024

    Maker Days Eindhoven

    The two-day event is a meeting place for makers, tinkerers, designers, hackers, engineers and other creative minds. In addition to the renowned Maker Showcase, featuring creations and inventions by more than two hundred makers, there will be workshops, demonstrations, performances and Talks.

  • 03/10/2024

    Land Art Lives - Lelystad

    At an interactive conference on Oct. 3, 2024, conversations about the future of land art will take place at the Agora Theater in Lelystad. Leading up to this conference are warm-up events across the country, looking at current issues surrounding land art from different perspectives: from political to practical, from historical to...

  • 17/04/2024 - 13/10/2024

    Meta.Morf - Trondheim, Rotterdam

    Meta.Morf 2024 - [up]Loaded Bodies explores the physical and technological body caught between virtual ecstasy and digital obesity. Co-curated by V2_ in Rotterdam, the program will first take place in Trondheim, Norway. From September, the exhibition will be on view at V2_.

  • 21/06/2024 - 24/08/2024

    Art of Living - Dordrecht

    The artists in this expo come together for one interest; that of applicability of art to social issues. Sustainability and longevity are central to this and recycled materials are the starting point for the construction of all artworks.

  • 06/07/2024 - 25/08/2024

    How = It Now 2024 - Apeldoorn

    New art by more than 125 makers from the Eastern Netherlands. The Apeldoorn Center for Contemporary Culture selected the most beautiful, striking and amazing art of the past three years.

  • 29/06/2024 - 29/09/2024

    Ever Ending - Nijmegen

    The end of the world is often imagined as a desolate, drab city with dilapidated buildings where weeds take over the debris and grow between the cracks in the asphalt. It is an apocalypse as we often see them in movies, a fictional scenario in which an almost aesthetic end of the world is outlined....

  • 31/08/2024 - 15/09/2024

    Boundless Imagination - Land of Cuijk

    Contemporary visual art is on display in six churches and chapels in the municipality of Land van Cuijk. Ten artists with very diverse work and working from different art forms show their work. Each art form contributes to a rich and layered discourse on the relationship between art, theme and space.

  • 22/06/2024 - 05/01/2025

    Golden Friends - Leeuwarden

    For fifty years the Princessehof has been assisted by the Association of Friends of the Princessehof Ceramics Museum. The association collects leading contemporary ceramics and lends them to the Princessehof. After half a century, the Association has built up an impressive collection. The Princessehof presents a selection of more than 25 works.

  • 24/08/2024 - 05/01/2025

    Sleep! - Amersfoort

    The exhibition takes visitors on a small exploration into the vast realm of sleep and dream, through the eyes of some 50 visual artists and designers.

  • 08/06/2024 - 30/03/2025

    Dream On - Maastricht

    The exhibition keeps its finger on the pulse of contemporary art and explores a new line in the Bonnefanten's collection. On view are works by more than 20 artists who hope to make the world a better place in uncertain and frightening times.

  • 23/06/2024 - 29/09/2024

    Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis? - Amsterdam

    The exhibition explores how knowledge is used within a political game in which manipulation and obfuscation are the norm rather than the exception. Really? asks fundamental questions about the meaning of knowing and not-knowing, emphasizing the fragmentation and relativization of knowledge in a multipolar world.

  • 25/08/2024 - 29/09/2024

    A Different Approach - Delft     

    Six artists demonstrate the connections between textiles and other art forms. Digital techniques play an important role in the production process of the works, but the end result still has an artisanal feel. The common thread among the works is the labor-intensive making process, with each artist spending hours working meditatively on tangible objects.

  • 29/08/2024 - 06/10/2024

    The Consolation of Beauty - Amersfoort

    Curators Cilia Tel and Willemijn Faber have selected fifteen artists whose work allows visitors to take a moment to unwind in a world that is violently in flux.

  • 15/06/2024 - 29/09/2024

    Connected City - IJsselstein

    Museum IJsselstein is showing Connected City through September 29. The exhibition examines the constantly changing cityscape and (the relationship between) architecture, project development, identity and a sense of home, transience and the fact that a place is never 'finished'. What does this do to the residents?

  • 23/06/2024 - 17/11/2024

    Paper Biennial 2024 - Rijswijk

    Museum Rijswijk is hosting Paper Biennial 2024. Animal Farm, an international exhibition of contemporary visual art in which paper as a material plays the leading role. All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others, free from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell published in 1945. This fable is a...

  • 30/06/2024 - 29/09/2024

    Building a new world - Apeldoorn

    The group exhibition shows the work of five artists and takes as its starting point the 1963 manifesto New Babylon by visual artist Constant Nieuwenhuys (1920-2005). In this manifesto he gives his vision of the city of the future in which the creative, playing human being is central. In addition to Constant's work, there are sculptures, installations and...

  • 29/06/2024 - 06/10/2024

    Triennial Kortrijk

    Twenty-one national and international visual artists will present work within the theme "After Paradise" at various indoor and outdoor venues.

  • 30/04/2024 - 01/09/2024

    Bruges Triennial

    Twelve (inter)national artists and architects reflect on new forms of (re)use through temporary art and architectural interventions. Together with the curators, thirteen hidden or unknown places were sought out to temporarily give them a new meaning.

  • 06/07/2024 - 01/09/2024

    Watou Arts Festival

    This year's festival focuses on the power of imagination. Artists and poets enter into dialogue with each other and with special places in and around the village and castle De Lovie.

  • 30/06/2024 - 06/10/2024

    Biennial of Painting - Belgium

    In three exhibitions, the Biennial connects the historical collections of three museums with the work of more than 50 (inter)national contemporary artists. Through current perspectives, they question their own history and museum mission, but also the special connection with the Leiere region.

  • 27/07/2024 - 25/08/2024

    Open Stable - Oldeberkoop

    Work by more than 40 artists is on display in 20 locations, including farm stables, churches, galleries, garages, gardens, the forest and the former CAV cattle feed mill. The theme this year is' Dreamland'

  • 07/07/2024 - 06/10/2024

    Lustwarande - Tilburg

    This edition of Lustwarande focuses exclusively on the use of wood in contemporary sculpture. It happens in the middle of the trees.

  • 12/05/2024 - 27/10/2024

    Anningahof - Zwolle

    There are 90 sculptures by 64 artists on display in this sculpture park on the outskirts of Zwolle. The philosophy of the park is to show the development of Dutch contemporary sculpture; work from 1960 to the present. The park itself, with wildflowers, ponds, grasslands and beautiful trees, is a particularly beautiful place for...

  • 10/05/2024 - 18/08/2024

    Amersfoort Concrete

    In collaboration with artist and guest curator Roland de Jong Orlando, Musiom is showing the work of 23 Dutch artists rooted in concrete art.

  • 01/06/2024 - 29/09/2024

    True Colors - The Hague

    The exhibition is built around the universal themes of color, space, individual and society. A mix of artists brings these themes to life in the halls of the Art Museum.

  • 15/06/2024 - 24/11/2024

    Soils - Eindhoven

    Soil is the foundation of our lives. It is where our ancestors once lived and where future generations will make a living. It is the link between past, present and future. The source that nourishes us. But the relationship between humans and the earth is also often strained. From land depletion and overproduction to land grabbing and...

  • 16/06/2024 - 08/09/2024

    On water, flow and warped time - Middelburg

    The exhibition On water, flow and warped time focuses on the river as a place where perception of time can be experienced in different ways. The artists in this exhibition examine how we can learn from water and explore the relationships between the river, circular time and capitalist systems.

  • 29/06/2024 - 25/08/2024

    Limburg Biennial - Maastricht

    The jury of 18 professional artists reviewed submissions from an open call and selected participating artists, without knowing who the creator is. Then the jury members set up a space at Marres or Odapark with their selection, also showing their own work.
