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Statues and Trees

Works of art by members of the Dutch Sculptors Circle

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Art at Erasmus MC (after attack in September 2023)

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Summer podcasts

A list of art podcasts to listen to over the summer

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Visual arts and artists

Culture Monitor 2023

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No higher VAT

You burden the Netherlands with it

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    Prevent imagery use by AI 

    • professional practice

    Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, can only exist thanks to the billions of works scraped from the Internet. These works are used to feed and train AI. Image Rights Federation warns that images from all creators showing images on the Internet may be among them. And none of those ... Read More

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    Artists and disability 

    • professional practice

    Sometimes it is good to have an understanding of options around disability. Many artists omit to do so because it would not be affordable or difficult to arrange because of the large number of options available. Self-check Eye for Impulse recently launched an online Web tool for self-employed artists in the cultural and... Read More

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    Mandatory AOV

    • professional practice

    There has been talk of compulsory disability insurance for self-employed workers for some time. Outgoing Minister Van Gennip made public the draft bill for compulsory disability insurance for the self-employed. The core of the proposal Wet Basisverzekering Arbeidsongeschiktheid Zelfstandigen (BAZ) (Basic Disability Insurance for the Self-Employed Act) is that there will be a basic insurance with an option for an opt-out. The proposal in... Read More

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    How the license protects you from inadvertent use of your work

    • RIGHTS

    With each text in the rechtReeKs series, the Kunstenbond chooses an appropriate image made by one of its member artists that has no relation to the issues in the article. This time: Mirjam Kuitenbrouwer, binders and laptop, 2021_ 21x26_4cm - With this column, I hope to give you a legal pick-me-up... Read More

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    How do you stay motivated as a visual artist? 

    • How?

    In our section HOW? we always ask a question about how you, as a visual artist, might approach certain practical matters related to your professional practice. These are suggestions that may be of benefit to you. This time the question: how do you stay motivated as an independent artist? It... Read More

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    Visual arts and artists in 2023 

    • research

    The Culture Monitor's Annual Report 2023 was published recently. We reported on this earlier in this year's BK Information #4. In the current issue we take a closer look at the Visual Arts domain page, which is part of the Annual Report. That page looks at developments around and differences in the (labor) market position... Read More

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  • 2025-2028

    It was a busy week, that first week of July. On July 1, a day after the anniversary of slavery, we celebrated the abolition of slavery (1863) in the territories colonized by the Netherlands. On July 2, the new cabinet was installed and the new administrators introduced themselves to us. On July 3, [...]

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    Tina Zlatina is a Bulgarian painter, illustrator and sculptor. Through her art, she seeks to shed light on "extra dimensions. Moreover, she is fascinated by the exploration of mind and consciousness from an artist's perspective. She first came to the Netherlands in 2012 for a residency at the EKWC. For [...]

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    Essay Christiaan Weijts

    Following the podcast series: on autonomy and commitment.

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    In the picture

    • Beelden en bomen

      Statues and trees

    • Finals AKI

      Finals AKI

    • Finals 2024

      Finals 2024
