Findings YoungMakersPlatform

  • policy & politics

The YoungMakersPlatform for the Council for Culture as the feelers to the cultural field and brings the opinions, lifeworld and practice of young creators closer.

The YoungMakersPlatform of the Council for Culture consists of a group of fifteen enthusiastic young creators from different corners of the world and disciplines. They act as feelers to the cultural field for the council and they bring the opinions, lifeworld and practice of young creators closer to the council.

The platform believes that more attention should be paid to the employment position and safety in the workplace for (young) freelancers. Especially for young artists who are just starting out and are still on a careerère have to start, the risk of exploitation and an unsafe work environment is high.

Also high on the agenda is the topic of mental health and that art can play an important role in dealing with and preventing mental problems. Because of their own ambitions, limited opportunities and the danger of unsafe work environments, the pressure on young artists is high.

The young creators also indicate that art does not reach everyone. Despite the good intentions of makers and institutions, not everyone has the idea that art is also for them. Or is about subjects that concern them. The possibility of taking final exams in art subjects is limited in secondary schools, so that even these young people have the idea early on that art is not for them.

Subsidiers do not always have an eye for the group that does not see culture as something for them. This creates a mismatch between supply and demand: artistic expressions that could reach a broader group of Dutch people have difficulty obtaining funding. The fact that certain cultural expressions are not always seen as 'art' does not help.

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