Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement BK Information

BK Information Foundation has prepared this privacy statement with the introduction of the AVG on 25 May 2018. The privacy policy applies to all our services and to all our subscribers, participants in activities and customers. Because we use your personal data in providing our services we want to tell you why we do this, how we use your data and what rights you have to access and amend your data.

Why do we collect personal data?

The BK-informatie foundation publishes the professional journal BK-informatie. In addition, we sometimes organise activities such as lectures and we offer advertisers the opportunity to place advertisements in the journal and bring supply and demand together. To be able to provide our services, we make use of various personal data. We need this personal data to handle subscriptions and cancellations, to collect the subscription fee, to send newsletters to the correct digital address, to process registrations for lectures properly and to be able to place advertisements in the magazine.

What data do we collect and store?

When you sign up for one of our services, you agree to your information being collected, used and shared to the extent necessary to provide that service. We only collect the data you provide us with. This includes your name, address details, telephone number and e-mail address and, in the case of direct debits, your bank account details.

You can rest assured that we secure all the data we collect and only disclose it to third parties if they are part of the process of providing the service to you such as our secretariat and administration office and to the printer for the purpose of sending out the trade journal. To ensure the security of your data, we have concluded processing agreements with these third parties so that your data will not be used for purposes other than those described above.

What rights do you have regarding your data?

We only record your data that you have provided to us yourself. You have the right to request this information from us and to check it. If this information, such as your address, is incorrect, you can of course ask us to change it. If you want to cancel your subscription, you can read how this works on our site.

If you are no longer a subscriber we keep your payment details for 7 years, in connection with the fiscal storage period for the administration. Other data will be destroyed after the end of a calendar year.

At all times you have the right to unsubscribe from newsletters or other information sent to you by e-mail or to change your choice to receive the invoice digitally.

Do you still have questions about our privacy policy?

Of course you have the right to request further information about the processing and security of your data. If you have any questions about this policy you can reach us at the following e-mail address
