Publications at Boekman Foundation

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The Boekman Foundation has released a number of publications in recent times.

Boekman #131 has as its theme 'artist and power'. In this summer issue of Boekman, the focus is on the moments when artists come into contact with power, and there are quite a few of those. These include the selection for admission to art education, funds and patrons and subsidizers, the public, programmers, curators, et cetera. However, the artist himself also has power, for example by exposing social wrongs. In our September issue, we will explore articles from this publication.


Below are some of the free publications available:

Boekman Extra #31: Towards a tompouce economy

Erik Akkermans writes about the cultural and creative sector in the new economy. Akkermans poses the question as to whether that sector can play a role in a new economic system in which creatives 'invent clever and relevant stories' in a world full of ecological, economic, social, international problems and conflicts. What are the possible preconditions, and can economic science provide support? Economists Berend Jan Langenberg, Barbara Baarsma and Paul Rutten reacted to the text. Akkermans works in the cultural sector as an advisor, publicist and director and started his career as director of the Federation of Artists Associations.

Boekman Extra #32: From soloing to learning together

Writer and researcher Evelien Vos wrote a theoretical and practical introduction about the usefulness of learning networks in the cultural and creative sector. In that sector the motivation to learn is very high. At the same time the question of how and what to learn is very different. Learning networks fit in well with this: participants are recognized in their expertise and there is reciprocity.

Boekman Extra #34: Corona and the cultural sector

Editor of Boekman and information specialist at the Boekman Foundation's Knowledge Bank Jack van der Leden compiled an overview of advice and research from the beginning of the corona crisis, based on the Knowledge Bank which maintains online an overview of the most important policy developments in the field of art and culture from the first day of the crisis (March 12, 2020) and all advice and research that has appeared on it since.

Zeeland Culture Monitor

In 2018, the Province of Zeeland published the cultural profile Samen in zee, which describes how the province distinguishes itself culturally and how this distinctiveness can be increased. Collaboration between the different municipalities was mentioned as a solution. A tour of some stakeholders shows that cooperation in various areas has now taken on a more permanent form. In order to be able to follow the results of these efforts, among other things, the Province of Zeeland intends to set up a long-term monitor that will provide an overview of the cultural sector in the province. A first step towards the realization of such a monitor is this baseline measurement in which both the existing knowledge needs and the available data are inventoried.

Downloads and more information

Boekman Extra #31: Towards a tompouce economy
Boekman Extra #32: From soloing to learning together
Boekman Extra #34: Corona and the cultural sector

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