Special Edition

  • key works

At BK Information #2, 2021 is our special edition sent along, a publication that marks the conclusion of our anniversary project.

The anniversary project began with the collection of 100 key works, in which hundreds of people participated by sending in a suggestion for a key work. A committee then selected the final 100 key works using narrow criteria. You can find them at sleutelwerken.nl and a representation of it in the special edition. Following that, around the summer of 2020, we launched the campaign #hat'swhat. This one was about the experience of art in public space, about the spectator of the work.

What an artist means by a work of art can stimulate residents' initial attachment to the work

What an artist means by a work of art can stimulate the initial attachment of residents to the work, but in the longer term the work will have to do it on its own (visual) strength. We were interested in precisely that phase, when the artist's story has faded into the background or even into oblivion. At that point you can ask the question "How has the work of art 'landed' in society?".

We were interested in precisely that phase, when the artist's story has faded into the background or even oblivion

All the insights we gained through selecting the key works and the campaign #hat'swhat together formed the basis for putting together the symposium program that took place on January 20, 2021. The questions that formed the basis of the entire anniversary project - What can art in public space mean for the future? What is the significance of this art? What does it tell us about the place and time we live in? - were discussed and this led to recommendations for the future of art in public space and the role that BK-informatie can play in this. More about this in the near future.

You can reorder the Dutch language printed special edition by sending an email to secretariaat@bk-info.nl, cost € 7.50 including postage. The special edition in English translation can be downloaded here (pdf).

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