Our Content


Among other things, what can you expect in issue #3?

  • More on the fifth episode of our podcasting series What's that doing here? 
  • Artist column by René de Rooze
  • The visual contribution this time concerns the exhibition Charcoal
  • and, of course, plenty of information that supports the professional practice of visual artists.

What was in No. 2?

  • About podcast #4: Ida van de Lee
  • The Kunstenbond's rechtReeKs: a tarnished work of art, what do you do about it?
  • Commissioning and public space with Dike Hof and the commissions she receives and gives herself.
  • Startup with Loes van Reijmersdal.
  • Current events (policy, governance, publications, research, et cetera)
  • Culture Monitor 2022

Find all articles here

  • An overview of current group exhibitions
  • Residencies at home and abroad
  • Open calls, assignments, appeals, funding opportunities
  • New visual art in public space
  • Supply and demand

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