
ico Xandra Nibbeling

The Netherlands is number three on the world list of tax havens, has a constant political drive for more asphalt (despite good alternatives), is slow to get its vaccinations up to scratch and in the meantime is footing the bill for the cutbacks in healthcare in the years that lie behind us. At the same time art and culture are marginalised and the sector can be happy with any support, meaningful or not.

It's not hard to be grumpy and cynical

It is not difficult to be grumpy and cynical about Holland, just as it is not difficult to be grumpy to a partner, or a family member, or a neighbor. Proximity directly affects one's own life. It's okay to feel something about it, like an interest that needs to be constantly defended, and sometimes we do that by becoming cynical and grumpy. Most people try not to do that. A good book, a great movie, an overwhelming performance, a surprising exhibition; all of these help. We may have become a little grumpy in the last year.

And then a prime minister with a vision

How nice it would be if we could hear a different voice in the next four years, if only for that reason. And a prime minister with a vision. Then we could be grumpy about the content. A Minister of Culture who is able to increase the budget for art and culture, then we can grumble about the distribution of it, and fellow Ministers who are able to transfer the budget from asphalt to investments in health care and education.

So far so good. Nothing to grumble about

You can already be grumpy about budgets for art and culture. The national government spent 150 million euros on coronasteun in the cultural and creative sector (art and culture) and divided this proportionally over the municipalities. So far so good, nothing to grumble about. However, the money was not earmarked. Berenschot conducted research and concluded that, for several reasons, it is unclear whether municipalities spend the emergency aid from the state entirely on culture. Hopefully there will be no grumbling in your municipality.

In the article 'Compensation for culture in municipalitiesYou can read more and Here you can download a list showing what your municipality received from the state for support of art and culture.