Design assignment special coin for collectors


The NOS Jeugdjournaal, as a news programme for children, has served an important social purpose. Since 1981 the NOS Jeugdjournaal brings the news to generations of children and adults in a very creative and innovative way. Especially through the use of understandable language, in which children are always taken seriously, the institute has for decades been closely linked to the perception of children. The anniversary year 2021 is a nice moment to honor the NOS Youth News with a special coin.

Every year the Ministry of Finance issues a special coin for collectors. With this coin, special events and persons are honored who have fulfilled an important role for the Netherlands. Recently, 75 years of liberation has been commemorated on a special collector's coin.

Download the information (pdf)


Visual artists, designers and moulders interested in this assignment are requested to by 12 March 2021 10.00 hour:

  • a CV and:
  • a portfolio: in connection with current corona measures we would like to receive digital Documentation material that gives a good impression of your work. To be delivered in a Pdf file. No initial sketches or ideas about the assignment. 

Further procedure

From the submitted portfolios the Coin Advisory Committee will ask a limited number of artists to submit a design for a 40-year Youth News coin. These selected artists will have 6 weeks to make a design. For the selected artists a workshop will be organized by the Royal Dutch Mint where the artists will receive instructions on technical aspects relevant to the design of a coin. 


- There is no fee for sending in a digital portfolio.

- For the creation of a design by selected artists the Ministry of Finance provides a compensation of €5000 (ex VAT).

- For the transfer of the copyright on the design chosen by the State Secretary of Finance and for the work involved in developing the design further, the Ministry of Finance pays a fee of € 13,000 (ex VAT). 

Coin Advisory Committee

The Mint Advisory Committee, which selects the designers on the basis of the submitted portfolios, is composed of: Els van Odijk (former director Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam), Stani Michiels and Lex Pott (both visual artists), Martin Bloemendal (numismatist), has as secretary Annemieke de Gooijer (De Nederlandsche Bank) and has as chairman Irma Dollen (Ministry of Finance).

The Coin Advisory Committee will also eventually evaluate the submitted designs and report to the State Secretary of Finance.

Please send your CV and portfolio no later than 10.00 on 12 March 2021 to and

For questions, please email: and
