The liberation of patronage


  • publications

What interests are driving the heady rise of patronage in the Netherlands? How is philanthropy changing the supply of art? And how does the increasingly complicated "mix" of public and private money affect the balance of power in the field?

Platform Beeldende Kunst spent two years researching patronage in the Netherlands and compiled the results in The liberation of patronage. The eight texts in the reader provide a window into the discussion around patronage over the past five years that can help push the public debate to a higher level. Away from a focus on successes and excesses. Away from moralistic wrangling. Toward a politics of patronage.

With texts by: Liesbeth Bik, Helleke van den Braber, Timo Demollin, Nous Faes, Roel Griffioen, Anna van Leeuwen, Sofia Patat, Jack Segbars, Renée Steenbergen and Olav Velthuis.

The book is available as print on demand or as a free PDF.

More information

The liberation of patronage
Amsterdam 2023
Editor: Sepp Eckenhaussen
ISBN 978-90-833282-5-6
