
We often dream of a more beautiful world, sometimes in our sleep and perhaps more often when we are awake, musing about the world we find ourselves in.

Some artists show dreams of a different world and some artists make dreams of a better world come true, both are enriching. Art makes the world more beautiful and bearable and can show us a different, dreamed of world with new perspectives and possibilities.

That was a beautiful day, a dream day

We are putting the finishing touches to this first BK Information of the new year, which we do the day after the anniversary symposium Art in the public spaceand also the day after the new president of the United States was inaugurated. That was a beautiful day, a dream day.

The anniversary symposium was a succession of discussions, stories and insights about art in public space: how important is the role of a mediator, how much knowledge is there among commissioners about the process, what are new forms of commissioning and what is the role of 'the public' in the creation of art in public space? Purified, a small group of us walked out afterwards. No closing drinks and unfortunately no audience. But we did feel the online presence of over 200 people! Through the chat during the live sessions and through the many questions that also came in through the mail. We were very happy with this involvement and solidarity. The symposium, the content and all the responses, also stimulates us to dream of new ideas for BK Information.

Inviting the impressive young poet laureateĀ  Amanda Gorman is hopeful

Once home, the inauguration of the new president of the United States began. This year an extra memorable occasion. Even for Europeans it feels like 'we' have a new president, which makes us cautiously dream about a different and hopefully better future. It is not yet entirely clear what Biden will do with art and culture, but he wants to give it a more important place in government, and art is part of his transition plan.*. Inviting the impressive young poet laureate Amanda Gorman is hopeful.

Every day, thanks to a lot of art and artists, we can continue to feed our dreams

In these difficult and troublesome times of unrest and pandemics for many people, sometimes we can do nothing but dream. It is good and pleasant if those dreams are nourished every now and then, for example by a symposium or a hopeful change in the world. But we can also dream on less beautiful days and every day, thanks to a lot of art and artists, we can keep feeding our dreams.

* theartnewspaper.com/news/things-are-going-to-change


Recordings of the symposium will be available until the end of February.

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