Additional assignments in public space
The cultural sector consists of about 60 percent self-employed people, both creators and support positions. Specifically for this group, the municipality will provide temporary commissions for art in the public space. The executing party is Kunstpunt, which can call upon other parties and independent artists for this purpose.
In addition, the college wants to make it easier for the municipality to hire creative zzp'ers. For this 300,000 euros are available. For the extension of the quick-window (for small projects by cultural contractors) the city reserves 150,000 Euros. The package also includes a contribution of 200,000 euros to the existing co-financing fund for cultural projects with a social purpose. Cultural institutions will be supported with a total of 500,000 euros. For amateur art 150,000 euros will be made available and the Emergency Fund Cultural Entrepreneurs will be extended by 400,000 euros.