Covenants with urban cultural regions

  • provinces & municipalities

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) has concluded covenants with 14 urban culture regions and Landsdeel Oost. The covenants contain agreements between OCW and the regions about joint policy priorities for the period 2021-2024. The national, provincial and municipal governments are jointly responsible for the cultural infrastructure in the Netherlands.


In the covenants, OCW and the urban culture regions make agreements about subjects such as cultural education and participation, public collections, compliance with cultural codes, monitoring heritage and the mutual exchange of information. The Ministry and the urban regions will jointly discuss the further development of the urban regions, including the cultural system for the policy period 2025-2028.

The 14 urban culture regions with which covenants have been signed are: BrabantStad, Zeeland, 025 Arnhem Nijmegen, Stedendriehoek, Ede-Wageningen, Utrecht, Leiden, Rotterdam, The Hague, MRA, Flevoland, Zwolle, Twente, and We The North. Covenant agreements have also been reached with Landsdeel Oost, which includes 025 Arnhem Nijmegen, Stedendriehoek, Ede-Wageningen, Zwolle and Twente. The covenant with Limburg was to follow later.

More about these covenants between the national government and urban culture regions in the next BK Information (issue 5, July 23).

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