A social environment as a healthy living environment

  • provinces & municipalities

In mid-July, the Council for Public Health and Society and the Chief Government Architect published an exploratory study with initial building blocks for "making more room for encounters", in preparation for a policy advice later this year.


In addition to its physical quality, such as more greenery, clean air or the reduction of noise pollution, a healthy living environment also involves a social environment, according to the study. "Public (outdoor) space and facilities such as libraries, schools and local shops can make space for meeting each other, and thus provide a valuable fulfilment of the need for social contact or solidarity." The importance of neighbourhoods, districts and villages as social living environments has recently been given a central place in visions of the future in both spatial and health policy. The exploration runs along three themes in which art is given a place alongside design and architecture.

After the summer, the advisors will take stock of the situation in the run-up to their policy recommendations. Anyone who wants to contribute online can register via evenementen@raadrvs.nl.

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